Chapter 6 Miss Georgia’s sat up. She bounded from bed and looked wildly around her. She had been dreaming about someone knocking on her door back home. Abigail pounded on the door. “Georgia! Are you all right?” Memory of where she was came back. Grabbing her robe, she stepped into her slippers. […]
Will It or Won’t It?
·Will it or won’t it snow? Weather is an iffy thing–it sets one to wondering–will there soon be ice and snow? What are the signs we are to know? Hmm…the weatherman said we may have a flurry. Then, again, we may not. It’s cold this morning, but not as cold as yesterday morning. Is that […]

The Healing Woods
·The Healing Woods by Blanche Day Manos Long, long ago in the forest, in quiet and shadowy hills, The Cherokee used roots and berries and leaves to cure their ills. There was blackberry tea for the stomach, and yellow dock for a cut toe, Sumac would soothe poison ivy, and wild rose would make […]

Small Lights
·This is a dark, damp November morning. It’s the sort of morning when lights are most noticeable. My grandchildren put up and decorated the tree, decorated the mantel, and brightened the day. The best part was laughing and giggling together, putting new batteries in the Christmas tree train so that it had renewed life and […]

A Jolly Turkey
·That special holiday in November arrives in just two days. I have heard a rumor that a jolly turkey slides down chimneys bringing mince and pumpkin pies and Thanksgiving-themed books for all good and dedicated readers. If this is true, maybe I could give him a few tips on what to leave on the festive […]