Chapter 4 Miss Georgia surely did enjoy her Sunday School class of women, all of them being about her and Abigail’s age. If truth be known, she particularly enjoyed the socializing that took place before Priss Butters began to expound the Scriptures. Before Miss Georgia joined the class, Abigail said, things were a lot […]
The Cure for Worrying
·Peace and harmony are not always the order of the day and you and I can find many things and people to worry about, without even trying. Those worries just seem to come flocking, with no invitation at all. So, what do we do as an antidote? Constant worry is not a happy state of […]

It’s a Mystery to Me
·So many things are a mystery to me. Why did this or that happen? Why do people act or speak the way they do? It’s fun to try to look behind the obvious. Cozy mysteries are fun because they do just that. Darcy and Flora, Ned and her friends–they delve into the reason behind the […]
When You Don’t Know What To Do
·When you don’t know what to do about any situation, do what you do know. In other words, stay busy! This morning, snow is stuck on houses and cars, just a little, not much. Not enough to be pretty. The trees are amber and black, grass is rather dreary. In other words, it’s a blah […]

Happy Birthday!
·Happy birthday to all you January babies! You are important people, especially since your birthday starts off a brand new year. The lovely and fabled garnet is your birthstone. It is said to bring greater confidence and creative thinking to its wearer. In Medieval times, it was thought to be a remedy for some diseases, […]