It’s cold again this morning. Rain last night and clouds today, but the maple tree’s leaves are larger, the grass is greener, and the pansies have smiles on their faces. Here’s a spring poem to keep in your heart when actual spring seems far away. A Sudden Shower by Blanche Day Manos There’s a scurry […]
What’s Behind That Innocent Color?
·To look outside my window at the early April day, I’d say that it’s a lovely morning: fresh, young leaves on many trees, grass all green and bursting with the newness of the season, but, let me tell you, folks, it’s more than a bit nippy out. A walker just strode up the hill decked […]

An April Deep Freeze
·Hard to believe, but earlier this morning, the thermometer registered twenty-eight degrees! I’m so glad I brought in all my wonderful flowers that I had stashed on the porch. Will this be the last freeze? I hope! April greets us with a bit of a cold shoulder, but she is actually a wonderful month. April […]
My America
·My grandparents once owned a store and lived in a house across the road. I remember being in it as a child and it seemed awfully big, dark, and exciting. The candy counter and the bright-colored sweets with the scales my grandfather used to measure a penny’s worth, the tiny brown candy sacks, were a […]
Courtesy of Calendar
·Today, spring sweeps in with flowered skirts. She is a capricious thing, apt to change her mind on the spur of the moment. Today, here in NW Arkansas, spring is trying on some warmer temperatures, but wait’ll tomorrow…she may show her stormy side. Spring sometimes just doesn’t show us her good manners, so we have […]
A New Day
·Morning slips in on silent feet, moving through drowsy trees, stirring a leaf here and there. Within the branches of a blue spruce, something, perhaps a bird, awakens. Darkness is slow to leave; the day is loathe to begin. At last, gathering the shadows around it like a cloak, the dawn glides away, yielding to […]