While I wasn’t looking, things changed, time passed, and books accumulated. And accumulated. Now, books lie stacked on my carpet, newly released from their box prisons and I wonder, Where do they go from here? Used to be, books, I mean actual pick-it-up-in-your-hands books, were my mainstay. Now, everything from fiction to how-to information, can […]

Banishing Shadows
·Do you ever wake in the darkness before dawn and lie in bed, just thinking? It’s in those moments that thoughts, both good and bad, come creeping. Things that we suppress during the day find this is a good time to keep us awake. Maybe it’s then that we are at our creative best. Francis […]
The Cave-In
·Scrambling to my feet, I yelled, “Cade!” My voice echoed eerily, bouncing off the walls until the echo faded. Oppressive silence pressed in around me. My heart hammered and I couldn’t breathe. Panic rose in my throat. I had always hated confined places and complete darkness. Would Cade know I was here? Would he be […]

Honeysuckle Heaven
·Shades of Scarlett O’Hara! It’s honeysuckle time. The lovely fragrance wafts across my backyard, inviting bees, butterflies, and thoughts of mint juleps, carriage rides, and a slower, more romantic time. When my backyard carries this elusive, warm weather fragrance, I know that cold weather has truly passed. Flowers are blooming, birds are building nests. It’s […]

Also the Ones Left Behind
·This morning, I salute the noble ones, the ones who fought, bled and died for freedom, and the wives, mothers, children who stayed behind, facing each day with prayer and faith, and determination. When I see Old Glory flying or hear The Star Spangled Banner. I think of one nation, bound together in our belief […]