Cleaning out and trying to organize the writings I’ve done through the years has its own rewards. Among the many papers and books stored in my garage, I’ve found poems, a few songs, Sunday School lessons, stories that I wrote so many years ago, I’d forgotten about them. But, it was fun to re-read, sort […]
Miss Hollyhock Strikes Again
·An Explanation for Those Surprise Flowers That Spring Up You may not have heard of Miss Hollyhock, , but she must exist, because there is no other explanation for the flowers that spring up here and there, in the most unusual places, without having been planted. Miss Hollyhock is a tiny, gray-haired sprite who is […]
Elementally Being
·When I went on the deck earlier, the sky was cloudy, the morning was humid, but, no rain. After going back into the house, I heard it start–the first raindrops. Immediately, problems receded, troubles hid their faces, and for a few moments, I simply relished the sound, the scent, the feel of raindrops. The rain […]

Remembering Daddy
·Today is Father’s Day, a day to celebrate all the dads out there. Happy Father’s Day to my son, Matt Manos, who is a super father. Just ask his children. I think of my father every day but on this day, there is a particular vacancy, because Dad isn’t here and I can’t hear him sing […]
When the Storms Roll In
·When the storms roll in, it’s good to be anchored tightly and securely to something that will not move. I see a tropical storm is headed toward the Gulf Coast. I imagine that coast has weathered countless waves that battered it and winds that tore through it. In life too, we have storms that jolt […]