Yesterday, in going through old papers and books, I found this lovely little calendar. Woman’s Day magazine used to include these pull-out calendars in their January (or was it past December?) editions. I bought the magazine mostly to get the calendar. Guess what’s especially neat? In 1993, the days of the week coincided with the […]
An Eye on the Sky
·Will it or won’t it? Will it be wet or will it be dry? Be prepared with an eye on the sky. And if, by chance, we should have rain, The next day, it will rain again! Why? Well, because tomorrow is St. Swithin’s Day and that is an old, a very old legend. Who […]
Gum On My Shoe
·We have ears to hear and eyes to see and a mind to be cluttered with stuff we could have lived without. Do you ever read something and wish you’d never read it? But, you did. And, there it is, stuck in your mind like a piece of gum to the bottom of your shoe. […]

Drooping a Little
·An early bird robin is on my front lawn. He runs a few feet, stops, and listens, looking for those early worms. He’s not as bright and shiny as he was in April. This time of year, robins have cared for one or two nests of babies and it’s a tiring business. However, he keeps […]
Paw Prints
·Hi there. This is Ulysses speaking. I’m a dog. Not just any dog. I have a nose for snooping, and I live with Ned McNeil. It wasn’t always this way. I do not even like to think back to my previous life. Let me just say that it wasn’t happy and it involved being tied […]