The Cottonwood

The Cottonwood At Grandfaher’s barn, close to the door, stood a giant cottonwood tree; How it weathered the wind and stood in the storm was a wonder and marvel to me. My grandfather said it was the strong roots, sinking down, holding fast to the ground; For the earth never lost it when wind tore […]

That Personal Touch

It is rare to call a business phone and get an actual person, but when I do, I rejoice! I realize that I’m old-fashioned and some of you young’uns won’t believe me, but I recall a time when there was an actual operator on the line who asked, “Number, please?” I also remember a time […]

I Think I Know You

I Think I Know You

I saw one of my old college professors the other day, even though he has been dead a good number of years.  Actually, I didn’t see him but I saw someone who reminded me of the long ago prof. Not that he looked like the person of my college years, but his way of speaking […]

Inhibitions or restraints?

  Sometimes inhibitions are good. For instance, this morning I feel like going into the yard and singing, “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning!” loudly and enthusiastically. However, I won’t. That would be disturbing the peace to say nothing of causing people to wonder about my mental state. Inwardly, though, I’m singing because this is summertime. Trees […]

As the Twig Is Bent

Sometimes, Ned, Pat and Jackie are philosophers. As my friend Jane once said, good friends are doctors and scientists and, well, I’m not quoting her correctly, but most of all, friends are there for each other. So, these three have their own thoughts about what causes a person to go bad. This is from Moonstruck […]

And the Sky Was Dark and Lowering

And the Sky Was Dark and Lowering

The sky is, indeed, dark and lowering this morning. The day isn’t getting brighter; it looks more like coming nightfall. St. Swithin’s Day was yesterday and we had no rain; happily, I think the good saint is about to be proved wrong, but that’s okay with me. We need rain. A cousin called last night. […]