Nemo and I took a stroll through the back yard this morning–a short stroll. The humidity is so thick, it felt like a moist blanket pressing in. However, the Rose of Sharon loves it and opens pretty, pink blossoms. The hosta and fern beside the back fence don’t mind at all, as long as they […]
Just Imagine!
Is this an age of enlightenment or a return to the Dark Ages? Hopefully, it is neither and probably I’m the only one in the whole world who would ask. A definition of the Dark Ages is “the time after the fall of the Roman Empire, marked by intellectual, economic, and cultural decline.” Whereas in […]

Nature’s Surprise
This morning as I looked out at my front yard flower garden, I saw three small mushrooms or toadstools, I don’t know which. That’s not too surprising except that last night, they weren’t there. They are maybe three or four inches tall. I know that’s what mushrooms do–they spring up quickly. I wonder if I […]
A Blessing
Do you ever wonder about things for which there are no answers? I do. One of the things I wonder about is why don’t I hear that wonderful blessing found in Numbers 6:24-26 repeated over a congregation or a family any more? It would be nice if parents would take the time to bless their […]
When Three Friends Put Their Heads Together
“It’s too warm for early spring,” Bertha said as she, Carrie and Miss Tootsie sat at their favorite table in Bonnie’s Bakery. Carrie sipped her coffee. “It may be too warm, but I’ll take this kind of weather to the damp, chilly days we’ve been having.” “How about a refill, ladies?” Bonnie asked, stopping by […]