Hey, all you September people, this is your month to shine, and why not shine with the lovely sapphire as your birthstone! Sapphire! It means fidelity, leadership, and angelic realms. Wow! Three beautiful flowers form a fall bouquet for you: forget-me-nots (one of my favorites), morning glory, and aster. The morning glory signifies fresh starts […]

·Hurricane Ida churns toward Louisiana, growing larger and more dangerous by the hour. I’ve never been in a hurricane and never hope to be, but many people have and are. I can imagine the roar, the lashing of destroying winds, and the pound, pound of rain. But, to me, the scariest thing is the storm […]
·Suppose you were walking along the street of a European town in the year 1650. Suddenly, someone yells, “Gardyloo!” Then, you’d better duck, fast. Gardyloo was a warning that somebody was just about to tip a bucket of something pretty awful and foul-smelling out of an upstairs window onto the street. Words are like […]
As the Morning Begins
·As the morning begins and stirs to life, I listen to the distant sound of tires on the interstate and imagine people rushing to jobs. The school bus comes down the hill, carrying a cargo of lively children off to begin their second week of school. Leaves nod and stir as a squirrel jumps from […]
Summer Memories
·These August days begin with a still, cool morning. Other days, other Augusts come to mind. I remember August days when I was a child. I remember running barefoot through tickly grass, walking through dusty places and feeling warm dust puff up between my toes, dancing quickly over rocks that were too hot for lingering. […]