November winds sweep up the leaves of October, tidying the yard for the snows of December. November people, you have reason to celebrate. Your beautiful birthstone is the yellow or amber topaz, a symbol of honor, strength, longevity, and wisdom. Your flower is the fragrant chrysanthemum. Here in NW Arkansas, the temperature is rather nippy […]

Oct 29, 2021
·The sound of sobbing came over the line and a hurried mumble that was impossible to understand. “Lizanne, I can’t hear what you’re saying. What’s wrong?” I asked. She spoke in a hoarse whisper, “Ned, you’ve got to come to the old church right now! It’s Daisy. She’s got me tied up. She’s going to […]
Oct 25, 2021
The Sentinel
·The oak tree is a sentinel, keeping watch over houses and people spread out below it. The tree has seen many changes. The busy street alongside it was once a dirt track. A farm wagon, a horse and buggy or a rider on horseback occasionally went by. Many other trees surrounded the oak in those […]