The characters in my books have no hang-ups about expressing their opinions or, as it turns out, their New Year’s resolutions. Yesterday, those from Levi, Oklahoma spoke up. Today, a few from Ednalee tell us what they hope for the year 2022. Ned McNeil: My cell phone–I am going to try never to forget to have […]

Perk Up The Day
·The other night, I dreamed that a dear friend had begun writing cozy mysteries. They were interesting! They were selling like hotcakes. The dream was quite clear. This morning, I’ll share that bit of news with her. How about you? Do you have some ideas that would sound great in a book? Remember that today […]

I’ll Bet When You Were in Kindergarten…
·I’ll bet when you were in kindergarten, you were a real stinker–the kind that caused your teacher to pull her hair and your classmates to giggle. You know why? Because some of those traits still linger, hanging about your personality like so many threads dangling from a well-worn jacket. These were my thoughts this morning […]

Just Box It Up
·In many countries, this is Boxing Day. This special day after Christmas is a tradition started by elite Britishers of giving gifts to those who serve them throughout the year. The gifts are boxed and I suppose that’s where the name comes from. This is also St. Stephen’s Day, in honor of the first Christian […]

The Memory of a Snowy Afternoon
·It’s nearly Christmas and no snow! Isn’t Christmas supposed to be white with snowflakes? Where does one go to find the coziness of being snowed in with friends and plenty of good, hot coffee? Why, to a cozy mystery, of course–namely, the Ned McNeil Moonlight series. Moonlight Can Be Murder is, believe it or not, […]

In the Midst of Glitter
·My street is dark this morning, colors are muted. Earlier, we had a bit of thunder and rain, and probably will have more today. My small Christmas tree on the porch glows brighter in the murkiness and the larger Christmas tree inside winks and blinks that it’s a special season of the year. Have you […]