A Tattered Book

A Tattered Book

Yesterday, I happened upon a very old diary! It was a 5-year diary and, oh joy! it began in 1953! Can you believe it? I’ve always preferred reading diaries or journals of people who lived through old times because to me those are the truest accounts. This was evidently the journal of a young farm […]

In the Untamed Woods

In the Untamed Woods

This morning, I came across an account I’d almost forgotten about. It’s written by my grandmother’s uncle and came by way of the Indian Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma. What degree of an uncle would he be to me? I haven’t the slightest, but his grandfather would have been my third great-grandfather.  I found this […]

Rainy Sunday

It is a wonderful thing to wake up to the sound of rain, especially in July. This is a wet, cool morning, especially welcome because it’s in the middle of summer. My little garden in front is saying, Thank You. I know this because the flowers are lifting their heads, looking refreshed and revived. The […]

The Mysteries of the Summer Night

There’s a mystery about the soft, summer night, just after the sun goes down, before full darkness tiptoes through. Leaves stir with a passing breeze and flowers lift their heads to feel one last ray of the sun’s warmth.  The rabbit who lives under my storage building gives last minute instructions to her nest of […]

The Comfort of Quilts

The Ozarks Mountaineer was a wonderful magazine that, sadly, ceased publishing a few years ago. My piece about my grandmother’s quilts found a home in that magazine in December 1998.  This was a story as my mother told it to me. Today’s post is excerpted from that story. Quilting is an ancient craft which still […]

Ne’er Trust a July Sky

Ne’er Trust a July Sky. Why? Probably because a day that starts sunny could cloud up and be a rainy day within a short time. Planning a picnic? Good, but bring an umbrella just in case. July. Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian friends. It’s a good day to remember heritage and country and […]