No, he wasn’t Cupid, but he was a real person who existed in the days of the emperor Claudius. Claudius was having trouble with his soldiers. They wanted to stay home with their wives and families instead of fighting wars, so Claudius forbade marriages. Valentine, a priest, defied the emperor and performed the ceremonies anyway. […]

Those Decisions
·John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough defeated the French and Bavarians on August 2, 1704. Today, how many people know or care? But, if you were the Duke or his British soldiers at that time, you cared a lot! If any one individual was ever the inspiration for stories of intrigue, mystery, action, or romance, it […]

Manaem, Man of Mystery
·There’s an intriguing name in the New Testament, in Acts 13: Manaen. As far as I know, this man is not mentioned anywhere else in the Bible. Scripture says he was brought up with Herod Antipas. What a surprise! Manaen, a believer in Christ, was a childhood friend of Herod Antipas, the one who ordered […]
Early Morning
·It’s such a wonderful early morning. The street is clear of snow but snow still carpets lawns and roofs. Winter trees stand out, black and brown against the white, their branches woven in intricate embroidery. All is quiet. Not a car, not a person in sight. Not even an early-rising squirrel. Contrasts–black on white, stillness […]

·Silence by Blanche Day Manos A soft and drowsy, downy day, the sky is furry, blurry gray; No wind to blow the snow away In patches. The trees are draped with frozen lace, the meadow is an arctic place; And house and barn, with wintry grace Wear thatches.