Ned had been thrilled to think Evangeline Carver, the grand dame of the county, would call her to take pictures of the fabulous Carver mansion. She would get a chance to see inside that historic landmark and she’d get to talk to Evangeline herself. Truthfully, Ned may have been just a bit star struck. However, […]

·As I look out my front window this morning, I see that rooftops, yard, and street are all covered in white. It isn’t snow. It’s ice. A coating of ice fell yesterday and we may get more today. Who knows? The wind isn’t blowing. Dark trees, rimmed in white, seem frozen too. It’s a frozen […]

A Quilt Around My Shoulders
·Do you know the comfort of a warm quilt, folded into half, thrown over your head and shoulders like a shawl? It is even warmer than a coat and cap because there are no gaps between coat or cap for the cold to get in. Anyway, the weather is shivery and forecast to get downright […]

Whether the Weather
·Whether the weather turns cold or stormy or not, we have no control, and the best thing we can do is try to prepare. Rain last night, turning colder today, and possibly ice and/or snow tomorrow. One thing about it, it isn’t boring. For some reason, this very old children’s tale popped into my mind. […]

What a Character!
·Hey! You aren’t supposed to say that! I looked at the paragraph I’d written. This character was speaking and acting…well, out of character. I had her personality planned and knew how she fit into the story I was writing, but, here she was, taking the bit in her mouth, the bull by the horns, and […]

The Canebrake
This is a reprint from a few years back. I remember when I read it to my Cozy Critters and they were wondering what sort of animal would begin with the letter Y. Canebrake ABC’s Red ants, black ants marching all together, through a canebrake by the river in the lovely summer weather. Many-colored butterflies drift or dream […]