When the jonquils bloom in the spring, I think of her–my sister Helen. Maybe it’s because of her March birthday or that, like the flowers, my sister was cheerful and welcoming. Helen was a person who made the world better and brighter, simply by being there. If someone had a problem, she did her […]

The Wind and the Moonlight
·The rain stopped and I turned off my windshield wipers. About halfway to Myra’s home, I realized no one in the whole world knew where I was and that was not a good thing. I speed-dialed Cade but got no answer, only his voice mail. Leaving a message, I told him where I’d be. Hopefully, […]

March Fun
·March abounds with weather lore, folklore, poems, fact and fiction. It’s an unreliable month, rather unstable as the seasons change from winter to spring. Here are a few things to consider, just for fun: O March, is this the reason that you’re such a restless thing? You’re not at home with winter and you’re […]

A Comfort Zone
·News of the war in Ukraine and the power-hungry and ruthless Mr. Putin has my brain on overload. Last night, I even dreamed about running from an enemy, trying to escape, and being scared. I am awed by the courage of the Ukraine President and the people. I pray for them all and for […]