Jonquils are blooming, usually in clusters. Have you ever thought of them as footprints of others that they have left behind? They are signs that someone has passed this way and loved flowers and springtime. At Ben and Tep Willis’, out on the river, there are remnants, reminders of the family who settled here, set […]

Spring Storms and Other Things
·Happy second day of Spring! Around 10:33 yesterday morning, winter packed its bags and crept out the back door while spring bustled in the front. Now, that’s not saying there won’t be some lingering traces of winter, because I’m sure she’ll linger, in some places more than in others, but at least the great, turning […]

A Leprechaun Comes to Kindergarten
·“God needed laughter in the world, So he made the Irish race, For they can meet life with a smile And turn a happy face.” –from The Book of Irish Blessings, author unknown. A green mist seemed to shimmer in the sunlight that streamed through the window as I walked into my kindergarten classroom on […]
Put On Your Imagination
·I took a warm, heavy sweater with me when I boarded the plane to Ireland and when I got back home, I hung that sweater in my closet and forgot it was there—until the next year, on St. Patrick’s Day. That year, St. Pat’s was a chilly day. Rummaging in my closet, I pullled out […]