A wise woman once said, “I decided long ago that I would never be wealthy. In fact, I knew that I would never have much money. Instead of worrying about it and thinking of all the happiness I might have missed, I made up my mind to find happiness in little, everyday happenings. Those things […]

When the Boat Tips
·Do you ever feel like you’re in a boat, trying to make a safe harbor? “Don’t rock the boat” is a saying most of us have heard or used, meaning to just go along with the status quo, don’t say or do anything that might ruffle the waters. At times, this may be a wise […]
What Is a Family?
·What is a family to you? Who are the people in your life that you hold dearest of all? To most of us, it’s our parents, siblings, children, grandparents, grandchildren– but it can mean more than that. Darcy Campbell and Flora Tucker are family. Flora is Darcy’s mom. But, they are more than mother and […]

Stormy Morning
·This is a stormy morning. I was unaware that a tornado had torn through until I saw the news this morning. Thank goodness, no injuries as far as I know, but a lot of damage in part of town. This happened while most of the townsfolk were asleep, unaware of the danger. I wonder how […]

All I Need to Know…
·Darcy, Flora, and Ned have taught me a lot. Did they teach me all I ever really needed to know? Well, let’s see now, they taught me… When you’re in a dark place, keep going forward…the tunnel has to end sometime, somewhere. Don’t believe everything you hear. You are more courageous than you think. Friendship […]