Yesterday was the annual Decoration Day at our ancestral cemetery. The weather cooperated with blue skies, sunshine (lots of sunshine) and an altogether lovely Oklahoma spring day. The cemetery is well-looked after, neat and serene. Decoration Day is an annual tradition dating back into history. My grandparents came to this very same spot, year after […]
The Call of the Whippoorwill
·In my last blog, I wrote about how times have changed since I was a girl. I miss a lot of those times. One thing I didn’t write about, and which I sincerely miss, is hearing the call of the whippoorwill. The whippoorwill is a night bird, a fascinating bird, and second only to the […]

The Last Generation
We may be the last generation to have lived through several things that today’s kids will never know, except, of course, by reading or seeing films of the old days or hearing their grandparents talk. Cell phones–when I was a teenager, these were still in the future. We didn’t carry phones with us. We had […]
Gravely Speaking
·Cozy Sleuths Darcy and her mom, Flora is her name, never wanted fortune and never asked for fame, But, somehow, mysteries find them, in one way or another, and danger is the neighborhood of Darcy and her mother. A lovely, sunny Sunday in the magic month of May, finds them getting ready for their Decoration […]
The River’s Voice
·The river speaks with an angry voice this morning. It roars; it thunders. Covering highways, houses, fields, and trees, it crashes through the countryside, ruthless and unstoppable. We mere humans must get out of its way or perish. Most days, the river murmurs, a gentle stream, watering animals and crops. On most days, people enjoy […]

A Month of May Bees
·Maybe I’ll find millions of dollars like the couple out in California did last year. Maybe the light will dawn in people’s lives and we’ll all get along with each other. Maybe the news coming from the television will be only good. And then, again…maybe not. This is the month of May and if you […]