Have you ever had a day when little, niggling things piled up higher and higher until they seemed insurmountable? Nothing major but just minor irritations, when everything’s wrong and nothing is right. Or, that’s the way it seems. I knew that if I sat down to write some more on the perilous times of Miss […]
One September Morning
I love these September mornings. The air is crisp and almost chilly. Sunlight brightens the treetops and leaves the lower leaves in shadow. My front flower garden is still mostly blooming, although some of the plants are decidedly drooping. Two giant marigolds have buds and are about to flower. Joe Pye has done all he’s […]
Never Fear, the Sleuth is Here
Cozy Sleuths Darcy and her mom, Flora is her name, never wanted fortune and never asked for fame, But, somehow, mysteries find them, in one way or another, and danger is the neighborhood of Darcy and her mother. A lovely, sunny Sunday in the magic month of May, finds them getting ready for their Decoration […]
August Morning
·Watering plants on an early August morning has its rewards–for example, it’s the coolest time of the whole day! As I watch water stream from the hose into the thirsty ground, a school child dashes up the hill to catch his bus. Another child walks down the hill to catch a different bus. Is she […]
Off Into the Future
For many people, yesterday was the first school day of a brand-new year. The first day of school is always exciting and for little ones who are going to school for the first time, it’s sometimes fearful. For parents, a mixture of sadness, fearfulness, hopefulness, gladness, and a fervent wish for a great school year […]
Hurt Feelings
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” John 8:32. I think we all struggle with hurt feelings. Feelings are hurt by what someone said or did, or didn’t do. Often, the person who hurt our feelings didn’t do it purposely. But sometimes, I’m afraid, he or she does. I […]