Remember the mysterious little key I found the other day? No one knows what it may have unlocked, more than a hundred years ago, but guess what? It unlocked another cozy mystery. However, as my Cozy Critiquers will tell you, it’s sometimes hard for me to get the beginning of a mystery just right. This […]

Dog Days and Ways
·These hot, summer days in July and August are called the dog days of summer and, in honor of that, today Ulysses, Ned’s dog and faithful companion, has his day in Moonstruck and Murderous, the third Ned McNeil moonlight book. It’s free on Amazon Unlimited. Ulysses, Ned’s rescue dog and Penny the cat are important […]

Hasten Slowly
·Happy first day of August! Did you know that today, August 1, is National Girlfriends’ Day, National Mountain Climbing Day, and National Raspberry Cream Pie Day? The whole month is Admit You’re Happy Month, and this first week of August is Simplify Your Life Week. Pretty interesting month, isn’t it? If you have an August […]

The Rain Came Down
·Last night, we got a wonderful, refreshing rain. Everyone except Nemo appreciates it. I hear a bird out front singing away and in back, a little wren voices his approval. Grass has greened overnight and my poor flowers, what the squirrels didn’t eat, are grateful. I can tell. This Friday is the last one in […]
And, On That Note
·Yesterday, I talked about words, their power, and the way we use them. On that note, I’d like to give my view of how these words many times are used to divide and infiltrate, to promote dissention and hatred. Books, movies, news stories that concentrate on past wrongs, evils, shameful laws are supposed to be […]