The Duel by Eugene Field The gingham dog and the calico cat Side by side on the table sat; ‘T was half-past twelve, and (what do you think!) Nor one nor t’ other had slept a wink! The old Dutch clock and the Chinese plate Appeared to know as sure as fate There was […]
A Small, Gray Cat
This morning, a small gray cat is slipping quietly through my thoughts. I think of her often, D. C., the cat who was with us the longest. She was actually my son’s cat, but she and I understood each other. She could look at me and communicate that she would like a bite of food, […]

Blessed Be
·For Writers: Blessed be the tongues of writers, never running out of a wellspring of words. Blessed be our thoughts, that they be open to inspiration and divine guidance and also our fingers, to translate those thoughts into words. Blessed be our computers–may they never fail us, may bad reviews never assail us; blessed be […]

School Daze
·Here in Arkansas, it’s back to school for many children this morning. And, teachers and school staff. The first day of school is always exciting and for little ones who are going to school for the first time, it’s sometimes fearful. For parents, a mixture of sadness, fearfulness, hopefulness, gladness, and a fervent wish for […]

Chapter Eight–The Key
·I set the boxes on the dining table and got the kitchen scissors from the drawer. Sitting down next to Chris, I proceeded to open the first box. Inside lay a small bundle wrapped in purple velvet and tied with a faded ribbon. I carefully unrolled it. “It’s a ring,” Chris said, as I held […]

Chapter Six–The Key
·Jeanette, the attendant behind the desk at Aunt Kezzie’s nursing home, smiled at Chris and me. “Miss Val! How are you? I miss seeing you, you were such a regular visitor to Miss Kezzie. I miss her too.” I introduced Chris and told Jeanette we were wondering if Aunt Kezzie talked to her much, perhaps […]