Agnes Clover set her broom on the porch and glared up at this monstrosity of a house. How did she wind up here, far from her home town and her warm, friendly neighborhood? Maybelle, her ever faithful hound rubbed against her, soulful eyes brimming with sympathy and wagged her tail. Agnes reached down and patted […]

We are in a weather advisory area. A winter storm may be impending. Will we have snow? How much? It’s one of those forecasts that aren’t hard and fast, but wintry weather is a distinct possibility. Weather is like that–hard to pin it down to absolutes. However, pigs know. Before a cold spell, they’ll start […]
·Yesterday, I looked at my yard, leaf-cluttered and a bit dejected. Flowers had bloomed, pumpkins had sat, now things needed to be readied for a new season. The summer things had earned a well-deserved snooze in garage and storage building. So, I set to work. When I’d finished, lawn ornaments were stashed, empty flower pots […]

Thoughtfully True
·If you haven’t heard or read this for a while, I think you’ll enjoy the animated tale of The Boy, the Man, and the Donkey. It illustrates what I’ve been thinking lately–we can’t please everybody and it’s a waste of time to try. Examples are the people the man and boy met along the […]

Elections and Coffee
·Come on in and share a cup of coffee with me. Today is that long-awaited election day. Whatever the outcome, I’m glad I live in a country where I can vote as I like. Tomorrow I hope I have just as many friends as I do today. So, let’s talk about coffee. Do you remember […]