These resolutions are from a few years back, but they are still semi-appropriate. These writing resolutions are strictly my own and are not suggestions for other writers to follow unless, of course, the proverbial shoe fits. I firmly resolve and forswear to work hard at sharpening my writing skills by never, ever writing run-on sentences […]
New Year, New Month, and You
·Happy New Year! And, happy birth month to all you wonderful people who were born in January. Your birthstone is one of my favorites–the garnet, a lovely, deep red stone. Your flower is the carnation. Carnations are used to celebrate many occasions and have a heady fragrance. This is a month of beginnings, of looking […]
Endings and Beginnings
·A new year is waiting to make its appearance Sunday and the old year is getting ready to be put away and assigned to memory. We all hope for a better year in every aspect of life. We face 2023 with a great deal of resolutions, wishes, and perhaps a few old tales just to […]
Dear Me, Santa!
·Mrs. Claus: Are you feeling better, Dear? How about a nice, hot cup of coffee? Santa (throwing back the quilts and rolling out of bed): Just what I need. The trip was hard this year. Mrs. Claus: Did the reindeer behave? Was the sleigh over-loaded? Did you face a head-wind? Santa: Yes, no, and no. […]
·Christmas is a time for traditions. One that I particularly like is lighting the Advent calendars. We started this practice several years ago. A grandchild lights a candle each Sunday leading up to Christmas as we read the appropriate Scripture and discuss the meaning of the four words and four candles, Hope, Peace, Joy, Love. […]
Who, Me?
·My friend said every time she sees an owl, she thinks of me. Who–oo, me? Well, it could be worse. Actually, I’m flattered because I greatly admire owls. They have a lot of amazing attributes and are thought to be slightly mysterious. Or, could it be because of their never-ending question, Who? I am certainly […]