One night in Oklahoma, several years ago a strong wind came through. Oklahoma’s winds are not to be trifled with and this one was no exception. It wasn’t a twisting, swirling wind of a tornado, but a straight, hard one that blew over a huge catalpa tree that had stood in my parents’ back yard […]

Who Said Owls?
·Lying in bed that night with the breeze fanning my face, I began to relax. The cool air felt as soothing as my mother’s hand when, in younger years, I was sick with a fever. Sighing, I burrowed into my pillow. Sleep vanished as a sound penetrated my consciousness. I sat bolt upright. What had […]

Soft Morning
·This is a soft morning–quiet, still, mist hovering above the ground, and roofs white with frost. Not a car goes up or down the street and even the squirrels are hiding. It’s a hushed world. This morning is like an empty canvas, waiting for the artist. With brush in hand, we begin the day, dipping […]

The Older I Get
the more I value family and friends and life and the less concerned I am about surface stuff, …the more I appreciate old values, old friends, old remedies to ills–ills that are physical, emotional, or spiritual. […]

What Time Is It?
·Time! What is it? We can’t see it, but it is the most precious gift we have. How much time do we have? Only God knows. What we do with our allotted time is pretty much up to us. I still have this little Hallmark date book that I got way back in the 1950s. […]