A Frog, a Toad, and Life

A Frog, a Toad, and Life

A frog and a toad have inspired generations of children and adults.  Although they existed only on the pages of books by Arnold Lobel, these small amphibians taught real life lessons. Frog and Toad were friends and never a day went by that one didn’t go visit the other and, over a piece of cake […]

When Things Go Wrong

When Things Go Wrong

  It had been a hard day, for some reason. No earthquakes or tornadoes or devastating news, but it seemed as if a spirit of evil or a spiteful sprite had been present. A prickling word here, a worrisome conversation there, an unsettled, fearful feeling of something just out of sight, something left un-done, something […]

Refrigerator Love

Refrigerator Love

  Your refrigerator may be a shining white or stainless steel beauty. It probably is not a bulletin board, like mine. My refrigerator holds perishable food items on the inside and dear-to-my heart items on the outside. Pictures, quotes, Bible verses, more pictures, children’s handprints, priceless works of art, all together in happy, carefree abandon adorn that […]

Thoughts, Words, Actions

Thoughts, Words, Actions

Valentine’s Day has come and gone, but every day should be a day for expressing love and concern.  Sometimes, in the rush and responsibilities of every day living, the small touches are forgotten. But, they don’t have to be. It takes only a moment to make a phone call, to help someone with a burden, […]

Is Cupid Really Stupid?

Is Cupid Really Stupid?

Stupid Cupid, you’re a real mean guy. I’d like to clip your wings so you can’t fly. It’s best to click on those lyrics and listen to Connie Francis from way back in ’58 as you read this posting. Many of you weren’t born in 1958 and this may be an eye-opener to the way […]

Rain and Dreams and Things

Rain and Dreams and Things

It’s raining this morning. The temperature is above freezing, so that’s good. Why does one dream? More particularly, why does one dream about a professor in college one hasn’t thought about for decades? Last night, Dr. Clayton, one of my business professor, was in my dream. I was talking to someone about, of all things, […]