Those Classics

Some things grow more valuable with age; cars, for instance. Those old models, fifty or more years old, if they’ve been well-cared for or restored, still purr down the highway, classic lines gleaming in the sunshine. And gems!Antique jewelry that has been well-loved through the years is just as valuable, if not more so, than […]

What is the Ides of March?

To the ancient Romans, the Ides of March was a time for settling debts. For Julius Caesar, it was a time of betrayal and death; but, for us, it simply marks the middle of March and a week before the official start of spring. This ides dawns with gloomy skies and damp ground. A storm […]

Discarding and Keeping

Some people who are very dear to me are cleaning out their garage, deciding what to keep and what to throw away. It’s a big job but when they are finished, they’ll have room for more important things. Until then, though, those old, useless things are just taking up space. Their cluttered garage is like […]

Character Conversation

I talk to the characters in my books. They have personalities and minds of their own. Sometimes, it’s a struggle to decide which would fit best in the story I’m writing–my thoughts or my character’s. Usually, my character is right. Me: Ned, I don’t believe you would go off hunting for an Indian message tree […]

Pete and Pat

Are you feeling a-wash this morning? All at sea? Here’s a repeat of someone you might sympathize with. Pete the peg-legged pirate lived on the sea. He had a wooden leg beginning just below his knee. A bright and mouthy parrot sat upon his shoulder Who was at least as old as Pete or maybe […]

Whose Birthday?

Today is the birthday of the very first President of the United States, George Washington. Life, for the early colonists, was very different than life today. Writing was done with a quill pen dipped in ink and the light, this early in the morning, was from a sputtering tallow candle. Breakfast, as well as dinner […]