I am convinced that a mama and papa hummingbird have set up housekeeping in my front yard maple tree. I wish them good fortune and blessings. I’ve never seen a cat in that maple, but I’ve seen lots of squirrels. Maybe the tiny birds have attached their nest to a limb that’s too fragile for […]

My Presidential Candidate
·I have a new presidential candidate. He’s perfect for the job. His name is Jackson Conner. The first, most obvious thing you would notice about the man is that he looks Presidential. His physical appearance inspires confidence and enthusiasm. He is tall enough but not too tall. He has kept his good physique although […]

My Point of View
·Just between you, me, and the fence post, I am tired of intrigue and secret maneuvers and people pretending to be what they aren’t. It seems to me that all this running around in circles trying to figure out who one is and what one is, all this bending rules, and saying, “It all […]

An Old Professor Back to Life
·Is the past really the past or does it reappear now and then? I saw one of my old college professors the other day, even though he has been dead a good number of years. Now, before you think I’ve gone completely round the bend, let me explain. Actually, I didn’t see him but […]

In My Opinion…
·A message spoken quietly with a smile at the end is more powerful than shouting with a raised fist. Love means I am more interested in your well-being than I am in my own. Even if something is true, if it is hurtful, I will not repeat it. Each state should take care of […]

What’s Behind That False Front?
·Do you remember the old western movies with store buildings that had false fronts, making them appear much larger than they were? Well, people have false fronts too. For example, how many of you may be a secret cozy mystery writer and be totally without a clue? Wouldn’t you like to know? Wouldn’t it be […]