One of the things that’s so neat about this Arkansas town is that fields, pastures, and woods are just a block or two away, and oh, my goodness! I hope it stays that way. It seems that every time I look, another pasture has been gobbled up by “progress”. In just the time I’ve lived […]
A Writer’s Psalm
A Writer’s Psalm Bless my writing, O Lord! May all my plots and characters praise You! The earth is rich in books; verily, it overflows with the written word. Large is the competition; great is the challenge. When wicked reviewers come upon me, to demolish my efforts, may their computers develop glitches. Though an […]
Soggy Saturday Morning
Who’s awake this morning? The only movement on my quiet street is a ruffle of leaves in my neighbor’s yard as a squirrel whisks into sight. A friend joins him and they disappear somewhere, intent upon squirrel business. We had more rain last night and the thirsty earth soaks it up. Soggy leaves lie scattered […]

White Flies and Ladybugs
The maple in front of my living room window is alive with activity–a breeze blows the orange and green leaves and two squirrels are busily looking for tidbits to munch on. I wish their diet included these tiny, white bugs that are falling out of the trees. I suppose they are a part of autumn […]

The Robin on the Birdbath
This morning, Nemo and I took my cup of coffee to the deck (actually, I took the coffee, Nemo just took his magnificent self) and sat down to contemplate the complexities of the world. The most pressing question was Why was a certain robin sitting on the edge of the birdbath for such a long […]
Can You Believe It?
(Lest anyone take this seriously, let me assure you that this is fiction, made up entirely from my over-active imagination.) “Ma’am, I had a report from your neighbor next street over about a disturbance coming from this direction. I’m checking to see what you can tell me about it.” The young officer standing at […]