Last night, my family took me to the Christmas performance of the Symphony of Northwest Arkansas. What an amazing Christmas gift! People of NWA have reason to be proud of this professional group of superb musicians. The Walton Arts Center was packed and the audience listened with rapt attention as instrumental and vocal music filled […]
The Magic of Music
·Last night, I was privileged to hear junior and senior high school choirs in their annual Christmas concert. There’s something almost magical about beautiful music. The choirs sang traditional Christmas songs with new and lively interpretations, an excerpt from one of Handel’s oratorios, and a couple of their favorites. The stirring climax came when a […]

Water Waves and Freckle Creams
·Come with me for a trip into history and delve into a 1921 issue of The Etude, Presser’s Musical Magazine. I’m not sure where I bought this magazine but it’s fascinating because it’s from a much different era of America. Woodrow Wilson was President that year; that is, until March 4 when Warren G. Harding […]

Soothing the Savage Beast
·This morning, a mere three cups of coffee is not clearing the cobwebs. Feeling slightly fuzzy-headed, idly, I glanced through past posts and found this one from a few years back with subtle hints for a civilized political debate. I think it might work today, too, don’t you? Some of the political discussions sound pretty […]

What Is That Song I Hear?
·As times change–fashions, cars, viewpoints, so does music. Music and rhythm are at the core of our very existence. Think about it–the rhythm of days and night, of seasons, the weather. Even the way we walk and talk has a certain rhythm and every voice has some sort of musical quality. I’ve read that […]