To the ancient Romans, the Ides of March was a time for settling debts. For Julius Caesar, it was a time of betrayal and death; but, for us, it simply marks the middle of March and a week before the official start of spring. This ides dawns with gloomy skies and damp ground. So far, […]

Do You Dare?
·Ned had been thrilled to think Evangeline Carver, the grand dame of the county, would call her to take pictures of the fabulous Carver mansion. She would get a chance to see inside that historic landmark and she’d get to talk to Evangeline herself. Truthfully, Ned may have been just a bit star struck. However, […]
Not Without My Dog
·These hot, summer days in July and August are called the dog days of summer and, in honor of that, today Ulysses, Ned’s dog and faithful companion, has his day in Moonstruck and Murderous, the third Ned McNeil moonlight book. It’s free on Amazon Unlimited. Ulysses, Ned’s rescue dog and Penny the cat are important […]
Dangerous Encounter
·The sun played hide and seek with the clouds, casting flitting shadows across the overgrown lawn as I got out of my car and walked to the back. Amazingly, remnants of my old rope swing still clung to a sturdy limb of the oak. The rope was frayed and gray, looking like it would disintegrate […]

How It Began
·I had a feeling there was no use in responding to Miss Evangeline, because she was what my father used to call, “wound up.” She wanted me to listen, so that’s what I did. Without warning, she grabbed my arm. I jumped. She whispered, “Shh. What was that? Did you hear anything, Nettie?” Her grip […]

A Voice From the Darkness
·At last, the turn-off to the house came in sight. I yanked the steering wheel. The car slid, then righted itself. Braking at the end of the drive, I leaned my head on the wheel, breathed a prayer, and tried to think of what to do next. I pushed my purse under the front seat […]