Hezekiah’s father was one of the most wicked kings Judah had ever known. Ahaz brought back the worship of Baal. Judah reeled under the influence of this ungodly king who even sacrificed one of his sons to the heathen god. Yet, he married a godly woman, Abi or Abijah, who was the daughter of Zechariah, spiritual […]

Mother and Daughter Detectives
·I’ve heard women say, “I don’t want to become my mother as I grow older.” What? How sad. If someone tells me I’m like my mom, I consider it a huge compliment. My mother and I were best friends. I think you’d have liked her. If you never had that privilege, you can get just […]

The Captain at the Helm
·Father’s Day! Congratulations and best wishes to all dads everywhere. To my son, first of all, a wonderful father to two awfully neat kids, to brothers and cousins and friends who are celebrating this day. And, although he isn’t here any more, a big thank you to my own dad, the captain at the helm […]

Speaking of Thanksgiving and Mothers…
·In looking at past posts, I’ve noticed several people go to this post about mothers. I’m glad you are interested and thought I’d reprint it here, the day after Thanksgiving 2017. What do Moms have to do with Thanksgiving? A lot! My mother was the greatest influence of my life. I remember Thanksgivings at her […]

Her Name Was Abi
Hezekiah’s father was one of the most wicked kings Judah had ever known. Ahaz brought back the worship of Baal. Judah reeled under the influence of this ungodly king who even sacrificed one of his sons to the heathen god. Yet, he married a godly woman, Abi or Abijah, who was the daughter of Zechariah, spiritual counselor […]