A renowned evangelist once said that within each person is a God-shaped space. Although we may try to fill that space with other things, nothing but God brings satisfaction. I believe the same is true of mothers. A mother is the person who gives birth to a child or adopts the child and loves her as her own. Love and selfless dedication define […]

Abi Was Her Name
·Hezekiah’s father was one of the most wicked kings Judah had ever known. Ahaz brought back the worship of Baal. Judah reeled under the influence of this ungodly king who even sacrificed one of his sons to the heathen god. Yet, he married a godly woman, Abi or Abijah, who was the daughter of Zechariah, spiritual […]
Happy Mothers’ Day!
·Of the three women in my cozy mysteries, Flora is the only mother. She and Darcy and Ned know the blessings of being and having a wonderful mom. Happy Mothers’ Day from all of us to you! This is one of my favorite Scripture passages: Many daughters have done virtuously; but thou excellest them all. […]

I can see her as a little girl, dark hair in braids, running down that dusty road at Etta, hoeing weeds out of the garden, her bonnet dangling down her back, or picking wildflowers for a spring bouquet. She was the middle child in the Latty family, the mischievous one who was always busy but […]
The Mother of a King and the Wife of an Evil Man
I’m fascinated by stories of little known people in the Bible. One of those people was the mother of King Hezekiah. This is a previously published story but it’s still true today. With Mother’s Day approaching, I thought it was especially meaningful, illustrating the significance of the most important job in the world–being a mom. […]

Tiptoe Through My Garden With Me
My container garden is in full bloom, thanks to my family. Friday, the remnants of last year’s flowers still languished in flower pots, leftover leaves lay here and there, and everything was in need of help. Not this morning. This morning, the triangular area in front of my porch is awash with color and beauty, […]