On Mother’s Day, Mom always wore a corsage of white roses to church. Used to be that was the custom–if your mother was no longer with you, you wore white flowers; if she was still here, you wore red flowers. That tradition has probably flown, like so many. I’m blessed every day to be the […]

Mother’s Day
·On Mother’s Day, Mom always wore a corsage of white roses to church. Used to be that was the custom–if your mother was no longer with you, you wore white flowers; if she was still here, you wore red flowers. That tradition has probably flown, like so many. I was singularly blessed to have […]

In My Mother’s Bible
·In uncertain times, we need an anchor, something unchangeable that we can cling to. It helps to have reminders that people have gone through hard times before now and survived. My granddaughter, as well as some nieces and nephews, are interested in genealogy. In trying to answer their questions, I turn to the place where […]

Happy Mother’s Day
·Being a mom is the best thing I’ve ever done. I’m so grateful for my son and his family. Being a grandma is the frosting on the cake. What wonderful blessings! This morning, Matt and Nathan are fixing lunch for Dawn and me. Now, how special is that! To all mothers everywhere–you are the […]
Happy Mother’s Day, Mom
·On Mother’s Day, Mom always wore a corsage of white roses to church. Used to be that was the custom–if your mother was no longer with you, you wore white flowers; if she was still here, you wore red flowers. That tradition has probably flown, like so many. I think of Mom every day and […]

Richer Than We Think
·It was a fun time. My son and granddaughter fixed Mother’s Day lunch for all of us. Spaghetti, hot rolls, salad, dessert, served up with a big dash of caring. I loved it! These times of togetherness are priceless. I couldn’t put a monetary value on them. I’m rich in having my family around […]