I’ve heard women say, “I don’t want to become my mother as I grow older.” How sad. If someone tells me I’m like my mom, I consider it a huge compliment. My mother and I were best friends. I think you’d have liked her. If you never had that privilege, you can get just a […]

Aug 31, 2019
Catching Up With Two Sleuths
·An Interview with Darcy and Flora Roving Reporter: Thank you, Darcy and Flora, for taking time out of your busy day to talk to me about your first venture into a life-threatening situation. I’m happy you came through in one piece. Flora: We almost didn’t come through in one piece. You should have seen […]

Aug 10, 2019
Hidden Away, There It Should Stay
·An Odd Discovery It was cold that January morning and Darcy was not in the best frame of mind to leave the warm kitchen and her steaming cup of coffee to go out to the country where Cub was digging the foundation for their new house. He had sounded dramatic, like he had uncovered the […]