Tell Me Why I wonder about lots of things. “Why” is always on the tip of my tongue. So, bear with me in this morning’s ramble. I go from absurd to serious in the blink of an eye! One thing I’ve wondered about is the placement of garages on newer houses. About ninety-per cent of the […]

Ducks and Eggs and Minnesota
I asked my niece Michelle Albrecht to write about her and little brother Steven’s adventures on a Minnesota lake when they were children. Her method of gathering duck eggs was unique and while not many of us were privileged to view and retrieve eggs several feet down in the cold, cold, clear water, it was undoubtedly […]

Welcome, Autumn!
Happy first day of autumn to you. Fall is a special season, a time of reflection and a time of anticipation. Yesterday saw quite a bit of activity at my small bird bath in the container garden. First, a beautiful yellow bird, it may have been a goldfinch, stopped in the crepe myrtle. He eyed the fountain, […]

A Merry Heart
·“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine” (Proverbs 17:22). So, in the face of dire daily events and even direr predictions, how under the sun can one be merry? One has to look for ways! When I was much younger, I had the idea that when I grew older, I’d be plump and merry, […]

Coffee Mugs and Early Morning
I sit at my computer, looking at the sun slant across my neighbor’s lawn and am grateful they didn’t cut their blue spruce when, a few years ago, it didn’t look too well. I don’t think blue spruces particularly favorite warm climates, preferring states cooler than Arkansas. However, this tree looks beautiful particularly in winter […]