Who is a mother? I wrote this last year. It’s still true today. The most important person in a child’s life is Mom. No one can replace her, whether she’s an adoptive mom or a birth mom. I hope you enjoy last year’s blog. A renowned evangelist once said that within each person is a […]

May 8, 2016
Younger Than Springtime
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· Susie Latty Day was born in 1906 and blessed this earth with her presence for ninety years but she never seemed old to me. She seemed always younger than springtime. Mom saw amazing changes during her lifetime, from horse and buggy transportation to cars and airplanes and rocket ships that went to the moon. Mom was the mischievous […]
May 12, 2013
·A house is built of logs and stone, Of tiles and posts and piers, A home is built of loving deeds That stand a thousand years. –Victor Hugo Her name was Susie Latty Day but to […]