What little sleep I got the rest of that fractured night came in snatches, punctuated by dreams of being chased by faceless intruders. By 5 a.m. I could no longer stand the nightmares. Dragging myself out of bed, I slipped into my jeans and a red T-shirt and staggered downstairs to plug in the old, […]

Cut It Out!
·“Cut it out!” I used to hear this phrase a lot; not so much nowadays. It just means, “Stop that.” Stop doing or saying whatever. It’s a useful phrase, a word picture of taking a pair of scissors and snipping off something, or using a black marker and rubbing it out. The thing of it […]

Speaking the Language of Yesterday
Don’t you love it when you find someone who speaks the same language as you? I don’t mean language peculiar to any ethnic group, but people who have similar interests and enjoy talking about them. For example, history. I love history! Particularly, I love American history because America is my beloved country and I can […]

An Iffy Kind of Day
·Sitting here with my hot cup of Folgers, looking out at a, to be honest, rather drab world, I see Annie and Midge walking up the hill. Annie takes long strides, going at a good clip, and Midge’s little legs work double time to keep up. I really have no idea whether the woman’s name is […]

Flying into Fall
October and Fall Yesterday, fall came to my fireplace mantel. Down came the pictures and lamps that had been there. Up went the painted gourds I’ve kept for years. With a few tiny lights added, it looks quite festive. All the gourds but two were my artistic efforts with acrylics. Sara painted the ghost when […]

Once a Cozy Critter, Always a Cozy Critter
·…even in Texas! Cozy Critter Judy is planning to move back to her home, which happens to be that great state of Texas! Yesterday’s meeting may have been her last at the old cherry wood table with the rest of us Critters. Jane wrote and framed a wonderful poem which included many of the things […]