If they were people, I’d say they were getting together for an early morning cup of coffee and a chat. As they were birds, the coffee doesn’t quite apply and the chat wasn’t all that friendly. Each morning, around 7:30, birds come to my two bird baths in the front yard. This morning, the robins […]
August Morning
·Watering plants on an early August morning has its rewards–for example, it’s the coolest time of the whole day! As I watch water stream from the hose into the thirsty ground, a school child dashes up the hill to catch his bus. Another child walks down the hill to catch a different bus. Is she […]
Whatever the Weather
The morning is still dark and it’s nice to see the friendly lights from neighbors’ windows. I hope others find my lighted house to be the same. The weather is interesting. It has just started raining and there’s snow in the rain! So, what will the day be, weather-wise? We’ll just have to wait and […]
The sun still hasn’t managed to tip the treetops. Somewhere in the east, it is slowly making its way to the horizon but it isn’t there yet. We’ve had our first really cold snap and what will the future hold, weather-wise? Hard to say. Don’t forget that tomorrow it’s time to fall back an hour! […]

Early morning
·The early morning is peaceful and quiet, the moon serene and white in the sky and dawn only a promise away. Even the birds aren’t yet awake and I seem to be the only one up to enjoy it. How nice if I could keep that peace and beauty in my pocket today and just […]
Early Morning
·It’s such a wonderful early morning. The street is clear of snow but snow still carpets lawns and roofs. Winter trees stand out, black and brown against the white, their branches woven in intricate embroidery. All is quiet. Not a car, not a person in sight. Not even an early-rising squirrel. Contrasts–black on white, stillness […]