Yesterday, I wrote practically all day, taking time out only for a trip to the dentist. But, that was okay because I had inhaled laughing gas and was feeling fine. Here’s an excerpt of yesterday’s efforts from my work-in-progress, Murder By Moonlight: A line of low, purple clouds lay along the horizon in the direction […]
The Wind in the Trees
·The wind in the treetops this morning is making the branches restless. I wonder if it’s telling them to get ready because cold weather is on the way. Funny–wind make me feel restless too, unsettled and a trifle uneasy. Weather change or not, the birds and squirrels will be well-fed on sunflower seeds. It’s funny […]
Murder Under a Full Moon
·An excerpt from my current work-in-progress, the fourth Ned McNeil mystery: The next day, Pat’s and Jackie’s reactions were similar to Cade’s. “Look,” I said, as Janie set our coffee in front of us. “My curiosity was already piqued, so Tom’s request just gives me a good excuse. It’ll be kind of exciting to […]
It’s That Moon Again
·Here are selected excerpts from my current work-in-progress, the fourth Ned McNeil moonlight mystery. I hope you enjoy it. My dog nosed Tom’s leg, then flopped onto the floor at my feet. At least, Ulysses hadn’t growled. That was a good sign. Tom ran his hand through his hair and drew a deep breath. […]
The Mystery of Good and Evil
·Moonlight Can Be Murder. is a book of contrasts: friendship and distrust, love and hate, danger and safety, light and darkness. Ned and her friends Pat and Jackie decorate Granger’s Mansion for Christmas with red ribbons and candles, flames leap up Ned’s fireplace casting flickering shadows on the wall, Jackie plans a Christmas party, and […]