A Mighty Mysterious Moon

A Mighty Mysterious Moon

This weekend we are supposed to have another of those blue moons. Now, a blue moon isn’t really blue; it’s what the second full moon in a month is called. Of course, this brought to mind my first Ned McNeil adventure, Moonlight Can Be Murder. I’ve re-read one of the Amazon 5-star reviews: Blanche Day Manos […]

A Shiver, a Shudder, and a Creepy Feeling

A Shiver, a Shudder, and a Creepy Feeling

Someone once told me she wasn’t sure my books were cozies. Surprising. I thought they were. Then, I realized she meant that sometimes they lost their coziness and became downright scary. I agree they aren’t exactly bedtime stories. Here are some random excerpts, taken from Moonlight Can Be Murder: Ulysses stood, white fangs bared. Why didn’t Vermouth […]

Something Is Brewing

Something Is Brewing

First thing I do every morning is make coffee. How about you? The fragrance of hot brew permeates the whole house. My sense of smell tells me what’s going on in the kitchen. Besides the actual aroma of a flavorful drink, do you ever sense other things? A child’s frown, an adult’s thoughtful expression say that something […]

From Dusty, Forgotten Corners

From Dusty, Forgotten Corners

Housecleaning has its own rewards and one of those is stumbling upon things I had forgotten. Pack rats have nothing on me when it comes to sticking little remnants of this and that back into corners or baskets or drawers and then forgetting about them. But, as in all things, sooner or later there comes […]

Winter Is Here Again?

Winter Is Here Again?

Or maybe it never left. Like the bears and the groundhog, winter may have been only hibernating and it’s about to wake up and roar at us. At least, the weatherman hinted at something like that. The Farmer’s Almanac has some pretty neat winter sayings. Here are a couple I particularly like: One kind word […]

A Night Prowler

An excerpt from The Cemetery Club: Sleep vanished as a sound penetrated my consciousness. I sat bolt upright. What had awakened me? My bedroom curtain moved as a breeze blew through. Had the wind knocked something off my dresser? Throwing back the sheets, I padded to the window. The full moon lit the front yard, […]