A curious reporter, out to get a story, shows up in Ednalee, Oklahoma. She wants to interview Nettie Elizabeth Duncan McNeil (Ned) about her return to Ednalee and her plans for the future but, alas, Ned is not home. However, Penny the small gray cat who shares her home with Ned, is sitting sedately on […]
What are You Doing Christmas?
·What are you doing this Christmas? Are you planning a large celebration with family or friends? Do you have a trip in mind? If so, would you like to go to Ireland or Scotland, England or Finland and experience the celebration of a different culture? Perhaps Hawaii or a Caribbean island where it’s warm? Are […]
The Secret Wisdom of Trees and a Wayward Wind
·In the darkness of early morning, trees nod their heads as a moisture-laden breeze stirs them. Are they whispering secrets? Rain must be moving in. The air certainly feels like it. The sun surely is up there somewhere, hidden behind thick clouds. Will it shine down on NW Arkansas today or keep its counsel in […]
Out of the Clear, Blue Skies, a Surprise!
·Matt sent me this link last night; otherwise, I might not have known about it: http://www.bookseriesinorder.com/blanche-day-manos/ The name of the site is Book Series in Order. What a neat idea! Frightfully intriguing. The site does, indeed, list all six of my cozy mysteries in order of their publication. It summarizes my biography and books. It’s interesting to […]
Penny’s Cat Viewpoint of Frightful Things
·As you know, in By the Fright of the Silvery Moon, Ned acquires a new pet–a dog. But, she already has a cat named Penny. Penny came in Moonlight Can Be Murder. Do the dog and cat get along? Amazingly well. But, what does Penny actually think about Ned’s ability to get into trouble? I […]
A Chat with a Character
·A Chat with a Character Sometimes we readers wonder what our favorite characters are doing behind the scenes, those times between books. This morning, we drop in on the heroine of Moonlight Can Be Murder and By the Fright of the Silvery Moon ,Nettie Elizabeth Duncan McNeil, Ned to her friends (except Miss Ann, who insists […]