Elastic Circles

Elastic Circles

Do I have a circle of friends? Hmm? I don’t know. Circles are a round, closed line. That sounds pretty cut and dried, doesn’t it? I guess if I have circles of friends, the circle is elastic, it stretches to include more and more and in no way keeps anybody out; only invites others in. […]

Prowling Through a Dark House

Prowling Through a Dark House

Sometimes sleep is a contest, a real honest to goodness struggle. Hard to come by. I doze off on the sofa, wake up and see it’s way past my bedtime, stagger back to bed and pop! My eyes are as wide open as an owl’s and I can no more go to sleep than I […]

Serving Up Sunday

Serving Up Sunday

“This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.” I have so much to rejoice about today, Sunday, September 6. The Lord fashioned this day and the beautiful world of nature. When I watch a National Geographic or look closely at the trees and flowers, the birds and […]

Fun and Food at Fran’s

Fun and Food at Fran’s

Rather than tell you in words about yesterday’s luncheon at Fran’s, I’ll let the pictures show you. A picture is worth a thousand words, you know. I’ve mentioned before that Fran keeps a Christmas tree in her entry way all year and decorates it with season appropriate items. Yesterday she had school things on and […]

Do You Remember Audie Murphy?

Do You Remember Audie Murphy?

September 2, 1945. The end of World War II. On board the USS Missouri which was anchored in Tokyo Bay, all was decorum and protocol. Japanese officials, formally dressed, their faces inscrutable, Allied Generals, dignified and reserved in their victory, and overhead, hundreds of American fighters and bombers. General Douglas MacArthur, who was welcomed aboard the […]

Morning Awakens

Morning Awakens

Early morning slips in on silent feet. It moves through drowsy trees, stirring a leaf here and there. Within the branches of a blue spruce, something stirs. A bird, perhaps? Darkness is slow to leave; the day is loath to begin. At last, gathering the shadows around it like a cloak, the dawn glides away, yielding to the rising of a […]