Wrens, Cozies, and Saunterings

Wrens, Cozies, and Saunterings

This morning, a wren came to visit. She didn’t come inside, just to the front porch. She lit on the window ledge, peeked in at me, hopped onto the porch support and flew away. I’ve seen her or her mate around all summer. Is she checking the progress of my next book? Is she thinking […]

My Thoughts on Leaven

Have you heard the latest attempt at being politically correct by one of our country’s universities? The words “God”and “Jesus” are being banned. One after the other, our freedoms are falling. God is being removed from schools, from greetings(No more “God bless you” in some places.) And certainly, God’s laws or the Ten Commandments must be removed […]

Owls in the Attic

Owls in the Attic

Sitting here at my computer long before the sun comes up, my thoughts wander here and there, different places, people, times, both past and present. And I remember a friend I met only once in southern Oklahoma, just across the river from Texas. I remember her each time I look at my kitchen windowsill and […]

Moon Eclipse

Moon Eclipse

I almost missed the eclipse last night. Matt called and asked me to come and watch with them. This was a little after 9:00. So, I hurried over. They were in deck chairs on the sidewalk, looking upward, so I joined them. Wow! What a heavenly show. No fireworks, no flashing lights, no background music; just […]

Lively Library

Lively Library

Yesterday’s authors’ fair at the library was interesting. Isn’t it fun to people watch? I met some neat authors and exchanged books with a couple of them. Some people were there who are always at authors’ shindigs. Some were new to me. The day was beautiful, tables nicely set up, refreshments in the kitchen area. […]

As the Books Turn…

As the Books Turn…

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” – St. Augustine Sometimes it seems as if writing, books, marketing, are taking over my world. But, it’s a nice kind of world to travel. At the moment, I’m writing the fourth Darcy and Flora cozy mystery, getting everything lined up […]