A Loopy Little Fall Poetry

A Loopy Little Fall Poetry

Yesterday’s perfect weather was too beautiful for  me to stay indoors so I grabbed my trusty camera and sallied forth. First stop: the middle of the street, looking upward. An added bonus: while I was snapping, a neighbor came by walking her dog. We had a good chat about churches, dogs, and autumn. As I […]

My Thoughts Eggs-actly

My Thoughts Eggs-actly

Yesterday, I let a most important day go by without even a mention: World Egg Day! Oh! I cringe in abject remorse! I had no idea. However, now that I think about it, an egg is pretty important to the health and wealth of people in general and me, in particular. When I was a […]

An Open and Shut Case

An Open and Shut Case

To the authors who read my blog: As you write your new book, do you find that you have some chapters you prefer to other chapters? To the readers who read my blog: As you read a cozy mystery, are there chapters that stand out to you? And then, of course, there are favorite parts within each chapter. […]

Yogi Berra

Yogi Berra

“Take me out to the ballgame; take me out with the crowd. Buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks. I don’t care if I never get back.” So goes the once-popular song. My thoughts stray to some interesting baseball facts this morning. For example, on this day, October 6, 1926, Babe Ruth hit three home runs […]



Yesterday as I listened to the radio, a most lovely tune came across the airwaves: Chopin’s Etude in E Major. Music says so many things that words cannot say. This melody penned by one of the Masters touches my heart. Poignant, haunting, lovely, passionate–all those things. It typifies sadness, hope, love remembered. In the container garden, […]

Little Surprises

Little Surprises

Life is full of blessings, large and small, but many times we don’t recognize them as blessings. How many of us have prayed for healing and when healing comes about, the doctor or the medicine gets the credit? We ask for safety and good health, for no unfortunate hitches in our lives and then complain about just another ordinary, boring […]