Moonlight Can Be Murder

Moonlight Can Be Murder

I tore off the wrappings and there it was! My proof copy of Moonlight Can Be Murder from Pen-L Publishing. What a thrill. Beautiful picture, lovely script! Peg was driving by at the moment I opened the mailbox, so I shared the first glimpse of it with her. We admired it for a bit before I […]

More Cozy Critters

More Cozy Critters

Today, I’d like to tell you more about these astute readers and writers, these remarkable ladies I call the Cozy Critters. First of all, they have a marvelous sense of humor. Laughter is very important in our critiques. I’ve asked them to write a bit about themselves so you will get to know them better. […]

Coffee, Cookies, Critique, Friends

Coffee, Cookies, Critique, Friends

When friends get together with coffee and cookies, it’s a fun time. Throw in a rousing critique, mix with a lot of laughter, and you have a recipe for a very good day. We Cozy Critters have met when snow lay on the ground, when we had to dodge raindrops, when the wind was so strong it blew over Peg’s […]

They Are Coming!

They Are Coming!

Today is the day they arrive. At one o’clock, or a few minutes before or after, in will come the Cozy Critters for a time of reading, critiquing, laughter, and sharing. And, perhaps a few tears. It happens. Critique days are special. If we have victories, we share them. If we have problems, we share them, […]

Plumped Up

Plumped Up

Last night as I was putting out water for the birds in my back yard, I noticed a small, roundish object in the shallow dish that I keep water in. Looking more closely, I saw it was a toad. I’m sure he was comfortable and grateful for the cool, replenishing bath. Women’s cosmetics advertise products […]

Ducks and Eggs and Minnesota

Ducks and Eggs and Minnesota

I asked my niece Michelle Albrecht to write about her and little brother Steven’s adventures on a Minnesota lake when they were children. Her method of gathering duck eggs was unique and while not many of us were privileged to view and retrieve eggs several feet down in the cold, cold, clear water, it was undoubtedly […]