A Day to Remember

A Day to Remember

October 31, as well as being Halloween, was also Reformation Day, in honor of Martin Luther’s Reformation of the Church. If you’ve never read a history of Martin Luther, let me say he was an extremely courageous man, devoted and determined. And then November 1 was Authors’ Day! What an opportune time to launch Moonlight […]

Friends and November First

Friends and November First

So many “firsts” this morning, that my thoughts are whirling kind of like the autumn leaves off the trees. This is the beginning of NST (Normal Standard Time) when we forget about Daylight Savings Time for a few months. Last night, to get ahead of this, I ran my clocks back way before bedtime, so […]

Ring Those Bells!

Ring Those Bells!

Ring those bells, give a shout; Look what has just come about! The day has finally arrived–a full two weeks early! I am pleased to announce Moonlight Can Be Murder in its complete, reader-friendly, mysterious best, ready for you on  Amazon.com  and Pen-L.com, both in ebook and paperback. As if this were not enough excitement for one […]

Here Lies the Leg of Levi

Here Lies the Leg of Levi

With a spring in their step, the Cozy Critters came to the hundred-year old table yesterday. Rain had poured and dribbled, lightning and thunder happened a little earlier, and the temperature was down- right chilly. But, with coffee, cookies, and lively discussion, we warmed up things considerably. Judy can paint a rollicking picture of happy […]

Jackson Conner for President

Jackson Conner for President

I nominate Jackson Conner for President. The first, most obvious thing you would notice about the man is that he looks Presidential. His physical appearance inspires confidence and enthusiasm. He is tall enough but not too tall. He has kept his good physique although he does not have the bulging muscles of a weight lifter. […]

Just a Nip in the Air

Just a Nip in the Air

It is so chilly this morning that I turned on the furnace! And yesterday, I had the fireplace going. I love these fall days when there’s just a bit of a nip in the air. I put a rug in front of the fireplace, imagining Nemo basking there, warming his furry toes. Does he sleep on […]