Parliamentary Procedure

Parliamentary Procedure

Yesterday a parliamentary contingent from Minnesota arrived in my mailbox. As I carried the box inside, I heard muffled hoots and mutterings. When I opened the box, out they flew–a parliament of the prettiest owls I’ve seen yet and I’ve seen a lot of owls. You can understand that at first they were a bit disoriented. […]

Write What is Wrong

Write What is Wrong

Purposely, I’ve used a variant spelling, a homophone of the word “right”.  Lots of things are wrong with this old world, I should say, with the people of this old world. You don’t have to look very far to know that. To my way of thinking (which, I’m happy to say, is Southern and rural […]

Parliament, Rafter, and Murder

Parliament, Rafter, and Murder

A parliament is heading my way. Really! My niece Missy who is a gifted writer is also a talented crafter. She told me yesterday that she is sending, not a flock, but a parliament of owls my way and I should be watching my mailbox. She said that since they are nocturnal birds and will arrive […]

Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer

Terror means extreme fear, so a terrorist is a person who causes extreme fear. How about using another word? How about thugs, murderers, vermin, killers, evil? I cannot understand people whose only purpose in life is to kill others. They strike without warning against the unarmed, the helpless, the unsuspecting. Their souls must be dark indeed. My […]

Morning Musings

Morning Musings

Frost on rooftops, sun on orange maple leaves; fall is here at thirty-three degrees this morning. Max the cat, whose abundant fur coat keeps him warm and toasty stalks in regal dignity toward home. A few minutes ago, he sat on my front sidewalk finishing his morning toilette. Yesterday, I sat down for a good […]

A Windy Day and Cozy Critters

A Windy Day and Cozy Critters

The wind blew the Cozy Critters to my door yesterday, ready to discuss reading and writing and many other things. If lightning and heavy rain had accompanied the wind, we would have been sure that we were about to be blown away. As it was, the sun broke through the clouds in the middle of our discussions (now isn’t that […]