Thanksgiving’s Afterglow

This is a decidedly wet, soggy, dark, rainy morning and I am basking in Thanksgiving’s afterglow. It is a warm, contented, drowsy feeling. Yesterday was such a special day. As my family and I gathered around Mom’s hundred-year old table, laden with food, my heart overflowed with thankfulness to God for His goodness. The Lord […]

Thankful Hearts!

Happy Thanksgiving Day, Everyone! Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness; come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord he is God; it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter […]

Thanksgiving Mysteries

Thanksgiving Mysteries

That special holiday in November arrives tomorrow. I have heard a rumor that a jolly turkey slides down chimneys bringing mince and pumpkin pies and Thanksgiving-themed books for all good and dedicated readers. If this is true, maybe I could give him a few tips on what to leave on the festive table. I couldn’t resist this children’s […]

My Close Friend the Turkey

My Close Friend the Turkey

Here’s how a turkey came home with me when I wasn’t expecting him. You see, it all happened this way: yesterday, I went to the food store just to pick up a few things. Well, first one thing led to another. I remembered more and more of what I needed until my grocery cart was […]

Invitation to a An Old Cemetery

Invitation to a An Old Cemetery

My publisher sends you an audio clip invitation this morning which takes you to the Pen-L website and my landing page. This link allows you to hear an excerpt from The Cemetery Club. I hope you enjoy it. As the narrator of the audio book reads, I can see that spring morning, Darcy and Flora at an ancient […]

A Touch of Whimsy

Whimsy is something fanciful, unusual, or fun; so says the dictionary. It is also an antidote to reality. Not that I ignore the terrible state of affairs swirling around us and the dark threats that are real and should be taken seriously but being fanciful now and then is sort of like gulping a breath […]