A Flurry of Fur and Feathers

A Flurry of Fur and Feathers

Outside my window, the maple stretches dark, mostly bare branches to the sky. Arching over my driveway, the slimmer, barer arms of the white mulberry entwine with the maple. At the edge of my container garden, the crepe myrtle’s limbs, twisted and bare of bark, rise past the eaves. These trees and shrub are a playground for squirrels […]

“Intense, Emotional Mystery”

“Intense, Emotional Mystery”

“This is an intense and at times emotional mystery. I could not put it down,” Deb Forbes wrote in her exciting review of Moonlight Can Be Murder. For the rest of this review and to visit Deb’s attractive and informative blog, click on her link: http://mysteryreadingnook.blogspot.com/2016/01/moonlight-can-be-murder-edge-of-your.html. This is an example of one of my favorite parts of Deb’s […]

One Step Ahead of a Killer

One Step Ahead of a Killer

Last night, the sky was clear and the temperature took a plunge downward. What does a cozy mystery writer or a cozy mystery reader do on a night like this? Read, of course, or write! In this slice of Moonlight Can Be Murder, Ned takes a wild, icy ride which nearly ends in disaster. A […]

Mocha Coffee and Flying Fingers

Mocha Coffee and Flying Fingers

The mercury shivers at fifteen degrees this morning. Yesterday morning I was so excited! Snow was falling in NW Arkansas. It was beautiful. However, it did not last; the cold did. The heater blower on my furnace went out a few days ago and I am very thankful that a few hours later, it was […]

A Shadow in the Night

A Shadow in the Night

The weather is wet, cold, and forecast to get snowy and colder. It is, of course, perfect weather to go to Levi, Oklahoma and see what Darcy and Flora are doing in their current mystery, Grave Heritage. As usual, Darcy is setting out to find a bad guy but this time, she goes alone, in the dead of […]

How Many Wise Men?

How Many Wise Men?

Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem — (Matthew 2:1). Today is the day Christians celebrate the Epiphany, when wise men from the east bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, came to find and worship […]