A Cozy Critter’s Confession

A Cozy Critter’s Confession

“I have a confession to make,” Peg said. Ears perked up; chatter ceased. “I have ‘t read a cozy since our last meeting,” Peg confided. As it turned out, she discovered a captivating genre, on an audio book on CD in our city library. What arrested Peg’s attention? Saturn Run by John Sanford.  It is far from […]

Cozy Critter Time Again!

Cozy Critter Time Again!

Today, we cozy critters will gather to discuss all things literary and several things that are not. I can hardly wait to hear what they have been reading and writing. We will miss Cozy Critter Judy. But, when Texas calls, Judy must answer. As I started to go to bed last night, I glanced out […]

I Can’t Help It–I’m Cold!

“It’s a really nice day,” they said. “It’s quite warm except for the wind,” they said. I didn’t believe it! Yesterday was cold! The wind was from the north, whipping across the plains and barreling through the trees, tossing whitecaps on the lakes. Even my newly-opened yellow crocus thought it was cold. I know how they […]

Be My Valentine

Be My Valentine

Remember how excited we’d get as children on Valentine’s Day, counting those cards, reading the verses, keeping them in boxes? What a sweet custom! It seemed to me that my kindergarteners got more excited about Valentine’s Day than about Christmas. They would decorate white paper sacks which I fastened to the chalk tray then they would […]

Owls, Blackbirds, and Folgers

Owls, Blackbirds, and Folgers

An owl woke me this morning! Of course, it was way before daylight and for a moment, I didn’t recognize it. The soft “who” came again. It was an owl–the first one I’ve heard in years. He stayed around a while, calling. Maybe he wanted to be good and sure I was out of bed. So, […]

Neighborhood Walk

Neighborhood Walk

Yesterday, I took my camera with me as I went for a walk through the neighborhood. Winter time trees are beautiful because their symmetry is starkly visible without the covering of leaves. A certain tree with white bark stood out against the blueness of sky, a silent, regal guardian of its domain. In summer, fully leafed, its uniqueness […]